“Jingle All The Way”…around MediaCityUK Over 550 Santa’s, Elves and Reindeers took part in the Jingle Bell Jog on a bright and crisp Sunday morning at MediaCityUK Salford. Supporting the Dreams Come True Charity, the Jingle Bell Jog welcomed participants from far and wide with families, friends, work colleagues and even dogs coming dressed in festive costumes to walk, jog or run the short distance around the Quays. The route took in a number of famous landmarks with the start and finish of the race positioned directly outside the BBC buildings, providing a superb backdrop for some memorable photographs. Those who took part were well supported by their nearest and dearest and other activities within the Piazza keep all entertained throughout the event with classic Christmas songs, a number of players from Manchester Giants Basketball on hand to meet and greet the runners with that all important finishers medals and selection box. The icing on top of the Christmas cake was two of San...
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