Deal or No Deal – Advice for travelling in Post-Brexit Europe
It has featured in the news almost everyday since Spring 2016, There have been promises, rumours and, some would argue, downright lies, but what does Brexit actually mean? And, more importantly, how will Brexit impact upon your travel ,and training plans, in Europe, after October 31st? Millions of Brits travel abroad every year. Perhaps in search of warmer climates (or at the very least a break from the rain), the vast majority of migrating Brits head south, to mainland Europe, with Spain proving the firm favourite among sun seekers, with a dizzying 15.62 million visitors from the UK in 2018 alone! But with a potential NO DEAL Brexit on the horizon, all this could be about to change. There are several websites offering advice for post- Brexit journey makers, such as the official site ( ) where you can even sign up to get email alerts for changes to European Travel Guidelines. However the flood of, often contradi...