6 Tips to Get Your Open Water Swimming Race Ready
Every triathlon starts with a swim. Whether you love the swim or loathe it (and it’s usually one or the other) it is the way your race day is going to get underway, so it’s vital to get off to the best possible start! Although races as we know them might still be a way off yet; there have been signs, in the last few weeks, of the triathlon world slowly getting back to normal after the devastating effect of the global COVID – 19 pandemic. Most notably perhaps, Open Water Swimming venues have started reopening their doors. Swimmers and triathletes can now get back in the water and putting in those all important miles. But, with water space and time at premium, and lost time to make up for, how can you be sure you’re getting the most out of your Open Water sessions? Here at Sports Tours International we’ve put together a list of 6 simple tips, from kit advice and preparedness, to training and technique tips, to help you get race ready and take your swim to the next level for when t...