Things to Know Before you do your First Marathon
26.2 miles is a long way. 42.2 km to be exact (I always think it sounds further in kilometres). So, running it all in one go, a marathon as this is more commonly known, is a challenge not to be sniffed at. On average a marathon runner takes 50,000 steps, burns 2600 calories, and produces up to 6 litres of sweat. That said, approximately 11,000,000 people take on a marathon challenge each year, and with an estimated 52% of those being first timers, it is safe to say there is an undeniable allure of 26.2.
Now, as marathons make a cautious, but long-awaited return to the calendar, maybe you’ve decided 26.2 is your perfect next challenge. Maybe you took up running during lock-down and want a way to challenge yourself with you new hobby, or maybe you’ve always wanted to try a marathon, and now you want to combine the ultimate running challenge with your perfect post COVID getaway.
Whatever your reasons for running, here’s our top tips of things to think about before taking on their first marathon.
Picking your Perfect Race
People pick different courses for different reasons, so there’s no real right or wrong when it comes to choosing your first marathon, but there are things probably worth considering.
For some people marathon running is all about the big races in the landmark locations. This might be the Abbott Marathon Majors (a selection of the biggest and most popular marathons in the world, combining marathons with once in a lifetime adventure such as the Great Wall Marathon, the Big 5, or the Polar Circle Marathon, or races that are iconic for other reasons such as the Athens Authentic Marathon, held in the home of marathon running.
Some courses are known for being flat and fast (Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris), while others are known for being particularly challenging (Marathon du Mont Blanc). Other races are famous for simply being totally unique. The famous Marathon du Medoc, held in the vineyards of France is known for its compulsory fancy dress and wine and fine food aid stations. It’s not a marathon you’re ever likely to forget!
Here at Sports Tours International, we offer an extensive range of the world’s most sought after and unique marathons. Whatever challenge you fancy, we’re sure we have something for everyone. See our full range of marathon products HERE.
Race Day Planning
Race day morning can be very stressful, especially if its your first marathon, so it’s a good idea not to leave anything to chance.
It’s a good idea to make a race day list. Lay all your kit out the night before and make sure it’s all where you think it is, and in fully working order ahead of your race.
The golden rule of race day planning is, don’t try anything new on the day.
- No brand-new trainers (always make sure they’ve been ‘worn in’ first).
- No unfamiliar nutrition (you can usually find out what nutrition will be provided by the race organisers online and practice with that ahead of the race. Some brands of nutrition can be hard on the stomach, so it is important to be familiar with whatever you plan to use ahead of the race.
- No massive breakfast. Some runners make the mistake of having an especially large breakfast on race day, because they know they will need a lot of energy to get through the race. However, this can be a mistake. If you eat more, or richer food than usually, this can leave you feeling sluggish and actually lacking energy. Your stomach and digestive system will also demand more blood meaning there is less available for your legs.

Enervit, nutrition partners of UAE Emirates are also the Official Nutrition Partner of Sports Tours International. You will find their products on many of our running and cycling trips
Racing overseas can be stressful, especially if it’s your first marathon. But it is also a hugely rewarding and unforgettable experience. When you book a trip with Sports Tours International, we look after as much of the planning and logistics as possible, so all you have to plan for is the race itself!
Don’t Overdo It
A lot of first-time marathoners have a tendency to over train in the last days and weeks leading up to race day. This can hugely increase the risk of injury and burnout ahead of the big day. In the last few weeks before your marathon, it is important to taper your runs. This could be as simple as doing 75% of your normal mileage with 3 weeks to go, then 50% and then 25% the week before you race. This will ensure that your body is well rested and ready to go.
Avoiding the Dreaded Wall
We’ve all heard of hitting the wall. It’s that moment (usually between mile 18 and 20) that marathon runners dread, when your legs start feeling like lead and it feels impossible to push yourself through those last few miles of the race.
What’s good to know is the wall isn’t as much of a dark and dreaded fear as you may have thought. There may be a really logical reason why some runners hit the wall.
The human body can store between 1,800 to 2,000 calories of glycogen. If we assume then that the average person burns 100 cals per mile while running, after 18 – 20 miles you will have burned through your glycogen stores and will therefore become much more susceptible to ‘hitting the wall’.
However never fear! The body can also utilize the energy from stored fat to fuel your runs. While this is a more complicated and less efficient process than burning carbohydrates, the long slow runs you will do in training will help train your body to utilize the fat metabolic pathway more efficiently. Also, practicing with energy products n your long runs can help you work out when you need to take on a little carbohydrate boost on race day, to help you dodge the dreaded wall.
Be Kind to Yourself
When you are training, you have a bad run, you have a bad run. Don’t beat yourself up, trust the process and move on. If your body is telling you that your long run is too much on a particular day, listen to it, there is always another day. Staying injury free is vital if you are going to have a successful and enjoyable first marathon experience, so listening to your body is really important.
On race day, it is also important not to be too hard on yourself. Take the first mile or so to settle into a rhythm, check in with yourself, and decide how you’re feeling that day. Yes, you’ll have a target pace, but it’s still important to be aware of how you’re feeling. It’s better to finish slower than planned than not to finish at all, so if it starts feeling too much, slow down. Less than 1% of the world’s population has finished a marathon, so you’re already joining a pretty exclusive club. This is your first marathon, so whatever happens you’re going to get a PB!
The post Things to Know Before you do your First Marathon appeared first on Sports Tours International.
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