London Marathon 2017 Facts and Figures

Sunday will see the 37th edition of the London Marathon. Here’s some facts & figures that you may not know about this special race.


  • There were 253,930 applicants of which 53,229 were accepted. Just less than 40,000 will be expected to run.
  • Applicants weren’t all hardened marathon runners –  55% of the applications came from people who have never run a marathon before. Just shows that watching the event on TV can really inspire thousands of you to enter the following year!

virgin marathon 3_600x

  • 43% of all applicants were from Women, which is a record this year. Go girls!
  • Accountant is the most popular occupation of this years runners and the most popular age category is between 30-39.
  • If you are running, you’ll be well looked after as there will be over 7000 marshals,  1,200 St John Ambulance volunteers and 45 ambulances along the course.


  • Also you will not to go thirsty. Over 750,000 bottles on Buxton Natural Mineral water (that’s almost 19 bottles per runner!) and 225,00 bottles of Lucozade will be available. Thankfully all bottles will be recycled.


  • With all that water you’ll probably need to ‘spend a penny”. Thankfully there are 1,263 portable toilets and 400 urinals along the entire course.

Specrators at the Queen Victoria Memorial The Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 13 April 2014 Photo: Javier Garcia/Virgin Money London Marathon

  • And finally, if you are bringing your own fan club there will be plenty for them to do/see as there are 84 pubs and 42 live music sites along the course.
  • Also, your fan club will be part of the estimated 1 million supporters lining the entire course – so it really is just one big party!

If you are running, hope you have a great race. If not, enjoy the spectacle. 

The post London Marathon 2017 Facts and Figures appeared first on Sports Tours.

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