Protect Your Money & Guarantee Your Experience. Why Booking with a Tour Operator is the Way to Go for 2021!

“Travel agents are amazing professionals who have an expertise, and that’s why I want to use them.”

This Morning host and celebrated journalist Eamonn Holmes is among the countless faces coming forward to speak out in favour of the travel industry, as we face this challenging and uncertain time. The broadcaster went on to comment on how booking through an agent or official tour operator is,

“…a really good way to maximise your protection [when things go wrong].” 

But what does that mean? How can you KNOW you are protected when you book to travel with Sports Tours International?

For more information on the ways you’re protected, when you book with Sports Tours International, please see here.

Holmes went on to comment that;

” These guys [tour operators and travel agents] are the experts in that field, so why not use them?”

This is something we have always been passionate about at Sports Tours International. After almost 50 years of operations, we are as dedicated as ever to our pledge that ‘Our Experience WILL Make Yours.’ That is a promise we are committed to, regardless of any obstacles that present themselves.

The past few months have been difficult and testing times for us.  We have sorely missed helping you fulfill your dreams at Marathon Majors, conquer the worlds great cols on two wheels, or have unforgettable VIP Experiences at some of the most prestigious sporting events in the world. But, throughout everything, our dedication to second to none customer service has never wavered.

We believe that it is this personal approach. Timely, clear, and open communications at every turn; that makes the Tour Operator booking experience so valuable, even, if not more so, when things are not going to plan.

Rather than spending hours waiting on the phone, or sending hundreds of emails, trying to chase down the relevant party, to deal with the refund for your self booked trip; when you book with us you know you have someone ‘ in your corner’, who’s just a click or a phone call away…

“Thank you, for your quick response.

I’m looking forward to LBL next year. See you in 2021.”- Sean 

“Thank you very much for your efforts. I’m looking forward to 2021.”- Karl
“I would like to say how much your company’s approach to this is appreciated.
I first took part in an Etape twenty years ago, and am very disappointed to miss this one. Your customer service on this has been impressive and I hope everything gets back to something like normal soon and I can book further events through you.” – Michael

“This has been a dreadful year for everyone and it will make the 2021 event even more special. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of it and for all your hard work.” –Neil

“Thank you. And thank you for the great customer service, support and communication.” – David

…and talking of 2021 ….

Due to the high number of event cancellations in 2020, and the resultant entry rollovers and deferrals; there will be an enormous scarcity of entries and tickets available for 2021 events. For example, Haute Route Alps, the flag ship Haute Route event and only remaining 7 day challenge SOLD OUT through Haute Route within days of going on sale. Other events, such as Challenge Roth, usually sell out in minutes (7 minutes in 2020) when operating at full capacity, so the chances of securing a 2021 entry, given the high percentage of rollovers, are likely to be very slim indeed.



In many cases, trusting an experienced, official travel partner or tour operator, may be your only means of entry for the biggest and best events in 2021. 

We can not wait to be back doing what we do best. Helping you have the time of your life, at the best events, all over the world. But, we’ll leave it to Mr Holmes to have the last word…

“For me the past, the present and the future is travel agencies.”

To read the full transcript of Eamonn Holms’s interview, visit HERE.

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from Sports Tours International


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