Christmas Came Early to Salford – At the Jingle Bee Jog 2020


Sunday 24th November 2020 was a quiet, cloudy, winter morning, just like any other at Salford’s MediaCityUK, that was until hundreds of Santas (and even a couple of reindeer) took to the streets of Salford Quays, in aid of the Running Bee Foundation.

The first VIP or VIR (very important Reindeer) guests to arrive were Dasher and Cupid (yes actual real reindeer, live and in the flesh). They were followed by a long list of special guests including; Fred the Red of Manchester United and Moonchester and Moonbeam, the Manchester City Football Club mascots, who entertained children and adults alike, alongside The Running Bee Foundations own Mo the Bee, who said she was, “Buzzing to have met every one”. The whole event was a real celebration of sport, active lifestyles and, of course, Greater Manchester at Christmas!

By 10:15 people of all ages, abilities, and experience levels had flocked to the Mediacityuk Piazza to get in on the Fun. And among them was one very special young lady – Avalon.

Wearing race bib number one, and a gleaming smile throughout the morning, Avalon White, aged 5 was running along with her parents, having been donated a family ticket to the event from competition winner and keen runner James Wright, who is a tireless supporter of the Children With Cancer UK Charity. James said of the morning;

“It was a pleasure to take part in the Jingle Bee Jog on Sunday… I was glad I came down to join in with Avalon and her parents, who all seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves.
It was great to meet and talk to some of the team and the support generally great and was very much appreciated…”

The run got under way at 10:30, when, with Avalon leading the way, a sea of Santas, elves, and even the odd angel, of all; ages, shapes and sizes, flooded over the start line and begun their run around the quays. Supporters, marshals and people passing by, were on hand all the way round to cheer the runners on their way. Sports Tours International CEO and  Running Bee Foundation Trustee, Chris Bird, was waiting on the final bridge to cheer every last runner home.

At the end of the race the, mascots were on hand again to greet runners at the finish. Each runner, no matter how young, old, fast or slow they were, was also presented with their own, special, Christmas themed medal. Three players from Manchester’s own Manchester Giants basketball club were also on hand to give out selection boxes to every child who completed the run (which they will obviously all save until Christmas!)

Run director Graham Jackson said that he was delighted with the smooth running of the event, and that it was great to see so many people, from so many different walks of life coming together to run and celebrate active lifestyles

The event marked the end of The Running Bee Foundation’s first year of operations, in which time they have organised several successful events around the North West, from the famous Tour of Tameside, to the notoriously hilly City of Preston 10k. Thank you to everyone who has run, walked, or supported any of our events, and here’s to more running, and supporting even more great causes in the future. A Happy Christmas and fabulous New Year to all, from everyone at The Running Bee Foundation. We wish you all good health, and great running in 2020. See you at the Start Line!


The post Christmas Came Early to Salford – At the Jingle Bee Jog 2020 appeared first on Sports Tours International.

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